
Jaclyn Blute-List Article Writer

Jaclyn Blute

List Article Writer

About Jaclyn Blute

RPG, roguelike, and puzzle game nerd, Jacky is usually juggling a few playthroughs at any given time. She remembers when GameBoy Color was a big deal, and she's been a gamer (and writer) ever since. Jacky has written deep-dive fandom analysis pieces, enjoyed casual streaming on Twitch, and persistently creates content for popular games, hidden indie gems and lots more.

Jacky has won a Dragon Age community cosplay challenge, hosted panels at geek culture conventions for about 10 years, and was a member of IGDA for four years. She has contributed to eight fandom zines, acted as an editor for three publications, and proudly pampers her many pets.

Quasimodo from Hunchback of Notre Dame, Anna and Olaf from Frozen 2, and Cruella from 101 Dalmatians 1
8 Disney Movies That Don't Have Happy Endings

These Disney movies don't have a happy ever after.