When it comes to weird cultural rifts regarding video games, nothing fits the bill quite like what Japan brings to the table with its own customs and traditions that resonate through its media offerings. The island nation is unique and celebrates its heritage with pride, especially when it comes to video games.

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Sometimes playing conventional video games can get fairly boring, especially when you’ve finished your 100th Beat ‘em Up or FPS game. That’s where trying out new weird games for other regions works out; you can even find some that are localized for a global audience too.

10 No One Can Stop Mr. Domino

No One Can Stop Mr. Domino Promo Image And In-Game Gameplay

Control a walking domino as it comes to life and waddles its way around several unique-looking maps while dropping dominoes to trigger events that keep the chain going. With simple gameplay and somewhat tough controls, this game is a pleasing casual way to kill time.

You get the option to choose between Mr. Domino and Mrs. Domino. The video game’s concept is fairly simple, but the execution is brilliant, and it’s very satisfying getting to master the game.

9 Mad Panic Coaster

Mad Panic Coaster PS1 Front And Back cover image

Fast-paced, thrilling, and surprisingly kind of tough to play through, this Japanese video game is a thrill ride that lives up to its name. Cruise through different tracks and try not to teeter off the rails as you reach the end of the ride.

The visuals are stunning enough to keep you captivated with what’s going on on-screen, and the two kids riding the coaster are expressive enough to grow on you by the end of the playthrough.

8 Mister Mosquito

The kitchen level in Mister Mosquito.

Ever imagined emulating what it feels like to be a mosquito? Well, now you can do that but with a twist. You use your sentience to ruthlessly annoy a Japanese family with your antics as you go around distracting and sucking up their sweet blood whilst avoiding any attempts at your life.

The concept’s certainly 'out there,' but the gameplay is rewarding enough to have you stick through and figure out just how to complete your objectives. It’s a fun, quick playthrough if you’re willing to stick to it.

7 Cho Aniki Zero

Cho Aniki Zero Gameplay And Promo Image

If you’re into oiled-up muscular strongmen and arcade shooters with a personality, then the Cho Aniki series has got you covered. Soar through the skies as mighty muscle men with a story that barely makes as much sense as the visuals do.

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Endlessly shoot at all sorts of weird enemies in this quick-paced shooter game that relies on your reflexes and ability to ignore most of the chaotic obstacles on-screen. It’s hard to absorb all the stimuli thrown at you, but it’s still rather fun to see what can possibly happen next.

6 Chulip

Chulip promo art next to two characters about to kiss underneath a tree

Start off your loveless career as a poor boy with no relationship skills and eventually complete tasks to gain a reputation that will finally get you that kiss from your dream crush. This video game allows you to practically attempt to kiss anyone.

Not only that, you interact with a ton of underground people and eventually fulfill every weird citizen in town’s requests and wishes in order to kiss some of them and rack up reputation points to level up. Your surreal dream sequences throughout the game are just as jarring as everything else involved.

5 Jumping Flash!

Jumping Flash! Playstation screenshot of gameplay

Terribly confusing perspective aside, the Jumping Flash! is quite possibly a retro classic that feels like it should’ve been bigger than it is simply due to how effectively engrossing and engaging the gameplay is despite its shortcomings.

The narrative itself is rather weird; there’s not much to explain beyond your role as a savior who struggles to take down an alien race that stole the Earth’s monuments for some reason. Whether you’re an alien yourself or not isn’t really specified, but apparently, you can fight a dragon despite it being sci-fi and not fantasy.

4 Incredible Crisis

Incredible Crisis Gameplay And Promo Image

A game that’s as Japanese as it gets, Incredible Crisis is a collection of fun minigames that explain the hijinx a certain family undergoes in their efforts to reach home in time to celebrate grandma’s birthday.

You get to explore several locations as you navigate your way back home as one of four different characters. Each family member’s story connects together to form an overarching narrative that involves aliens, a villain with no clear incentives, and one very frustrated fisherman.

3 Polaroid Pete

Polaroid Pete Gameplay And Promo Image

Shuffle your way around as you step into the shoes of a whacky paparazzi-esque photojournalist looking to sell the latest scoop in a world that’s far more eccentric and chaotic than the main character.

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This game features quick-paced FPS-like gameplay that demands you choose what specific events to document with your camera and a limited amount of film. Collect powerups and items that make your task easier, and keep your eyes peeled for anything interesting.

2 LSD: Dream Emulator

LSD Dream Emulator Promo And Gameplay Images

If you’ve ever had a fever dream, this game probably features some aspect of it since it’s chockfull of levels that are confusing to navigate through. You’re barely given any context on what to do as you’re thrust into each complicated and unique world.

The controls barely matter; what matters is the objects you touch or interact with as you navigate through each world or dream sequence. There’s no clear end goal beyond attempting to explore every possible path you can.

1 Katamari Damacy

The King of All Cosmos overlooking a field of cows

Anything you see can and will eventually be rolled up into a giant Katamari. This start to the series is a surprisingly solid debut to kickstart your entry into the Katamari-verse. Help your parents, the rulers of the cosmos, reconstruct the galaxy with stars that you create by rolling up everything you see.

It’s immeasurably fun and satisfying watching yourself grow, and the musical tracks in Katamari Damacy just fit the vibe perfectly. The game’s concept may be simple, but so much love went into creating this video game that you end up appreciating every second you get to play it.

Next: Board Games Popular In Japan