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In the world of Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, you'll traverse a little-known planet in the galaxy far, far away. Koboh is home to some pretty interesting characters and ruthless wildlife. But for Cal, it's also a connection to a possible safe haven for those seeking to flee the empire. During Cal's quest, however, there are plenty of treasures and hidden secrets he can uncover.

RELATED: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Where To Find Every Untamed Downs Collectible

The Southern Reach is one of the first regions of Koboh you'll make you're way through on your way to find Greez. And it just so happens that there are many collectibles to be found in this area. Just follow our handy guide to locate them all.

All Southern Reach Collectibles

Cal overlooking the Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

There is a whopping total of 33 collectibles to claim in the Southern Reach. Here are the different types you can expect to find:

  • Chests
  • Treasures
  • Force Essences
  • Databank Entries
  • Seed Pods

Chest Locations

Cal in front of an open chest in Jedi Survivor

There are three chests to be plundered in the Southern Reach.

Map Location



Map location of a chest near a green tent in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Take a left to the down-slope path toward a green tent. On the ledge behind the tent is a chest.

Full Beard

Map location of a chest in an alcove in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Once out in the open area, head to the right side of the region where you find a wall with vines. Climb to the top. Then swing across the two bars protruding in the path. Then turn right where you can cut through some vines. Jump across the path and head around passed the Force Echo point, and you'll see another gap on the other side with a chest in an alcove.

Weapon Material Paint (Kashyyk Colors)

Map location of a chest near the outpost in Jedi Survivor

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation Point, face toward the Outpost, but head left and look for a big yellow door on a rocky ridge. Head toward it and use Force Lift to open it and drop it down inside. Once in this chamber, you'll see Koboh Matter everywhere that you must avoid to not be killed. Jump to the next circular platform in the room across, grab the orb with the force to the left, and then send it back to the original platform to activate a beam. This beam will burn a hole and shoot at a red building in the Outpost.

On the metallic building next to it, destroy the door to see a bunch of black Koboh Matter inside that needs to be burned away. Use BD-1's ability to draw a line of matter from the beam's contact point all the way inside the metal building to light it on fire. Once cleared, there's a chest inside.

Blaster (Quickdraw)

Treasure Locations

Cal in front a priorite shard on a silo in Jedi Survivor

There are seven treasures to be found in this region, all of which are Priorite Shards that can be spent at Doma's shop.

Map Location



Map location of a Priorite Shard in a Relter Nest in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Once out in the open area, head to the right side of the region where you find a wall with vines. Climb to the top then immediately turn left to see a bird's nest with a Priorite Shard inside.

Priorite Shard

Map location of a Scavenger Droid in the Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

In the Southern Reach, head toward the big silo on your map. On the side of the silo where there are walls you can jump on, head to the right in between the silo and a small tank to find a Scavenger Droid with this treasure.

Priorite Shard

Map location of a priorite shard in a cave in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

Head to the big silo in the middle of the region. Wall jump up the side of it to reach the top. Then jump on the rocky ridge behind it. Jump up to the next ridge and keep following the path until you reach a cave with a bunch of stalactites. In the back is a treasure to pick up.

Priorite Shard

Map location of a priorite shard on the ledge of the silo in Jedi Survivor

On top of the big silo on the side of the roof that is opposite the rock ledges, you'll find this treasure sitting on the ledge.

Priorite Shard

Map location of a seed pod on a slanted rock formation in Jedi Survivor-1

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation Point, head right around the Grotto entrance into Hunter's Quarry. Take a left up the path only so you can jump up to the ridge on your left when the ground is elevated enough. On this ridge, you'll face a Gorrocco. Then use the Relter to fly to the lowest point on the long, slanted rock formation across the way into the Southern Reach. Near the top point is a Priorite Shard.

Priorite Shard

Map location of a Priorite Shard near an orange gate in Jedi Survivor

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation point facing town, head right until you see an orange wall with a creek/river passing through it. On the side of the wall not facing the town, there is a panel you can Force Lift with a Priorite Shard inside.

Priorite Shard

Map location of a priorite shard in at the entrance to the outpost in Jedi Survivor

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation Point, there's a structure with an animal skull hanging over the path to the outpost. Go under the structure and use the force to pull the skull down. A Priorite Shard will drop from it.

Priorite Shard

Force Essence Locations

Cal in front of a Force Essence in Jedi Survivor-1

There is a solitary Force Essence located in the Southern Reach region.

Map Location



Map of a Force Essence in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Once out in the open area, head to the right side of the region where you find a wall with vines. Climb to the top. Then swing across the two bars protruding in the path. Then turn right where you can cut through some vines.

Follow the path to another gap you can jump across to where a Force Echo is located. Passed the Echo, hang a right to come out into the open, and bring the rope on the right to you with the force. Then swing to the top of a rocky pillar across the way. Then jump to the next plateau to find this Force Essence on the right.

Skill Point

Databank Entries

Cal in front of a force echo location in Jedi Survivor

There are three Databank Entries to be found in this region of Koboh.

Map Location



Map location of a force echo in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Once out in the open area, head to the right side of the region where you find a wall with vines. Climb to the top. Then swing across the two bars protruding in the path. Then turn right where you can cut through some vines. Follow the path to another gap you can jump across to retrieve a Force Echo.

Force Echo

Map location of a force echo in near a hole in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Once out in the open area, head to the right side of the region where you find a wall with vines. Climb to the top. Then swing across the two bars protruding in the path. Then turn right where you can cut through some vines.

Follow the path to another gap you can jump across to where a Force Echo is located. Passed the Echo, hang a right to come out into the open, and bring the rope on the right to you with the force. Then swing to the top of a rocky pillar across the way. Then jump to the next plateau to find this Force Echo on the right.

Force Echo

Map location of a BD-1 scan point at the silo in Jedi Survivor

In the Southern Reach, head toward the big silo on your map. On the side of the silo where there are walls you can jump on, BD-1 can scan the side of the structure.

BD-1 Scan

Seed Pod Locations

Cal in front of a seed pod plant in Jedi Survivor

There's a hair-raising 19 Seed Pods located in the Southern Reach. You'll be a skilled gardener by the time this is over.

Map Location



Map location of a seed pod near Southern Reach Meditation Point in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Take a left to the down-slope path, and on the left side of the path is this Seed Pod.

Bluebell Squish: Nabooan Green

Map of a seed pod near a large rock in the southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Take a left to the down-slope path. Once you reach the green tent, take a right into the middle of the field. There's a big rock beneath the pathway you descended with a Seed Pod next to it.

Tuber Maw: Nabooan Green

Map location of a seed pod on a rocky pillar in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head toward's Rambler's Reach. Once out in the open area, head to the right side of the region where you find a wall with vines. Climb to the top. Then swing across the two bars protruding in the path. Then turn right where you can cut through some vines.

Follow the path to another gap you can jump across to where a Force Echo is located. Passed the Echo, hang a right to come out into the open, and bring the rope on the right to you with the force. Then swing to the top of a rocky pillar across the way. On the top is this seed pod.

Tuber Maw: Alderaanian Blue

Map location of a seed pod near pools of water in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Southern Reach Meditation Point, head along the right side of the region. Instead of climbing the vines, head through the cave-like passageway on the lowest level. On the right, you'll see a little alcove with a couple of pools of water. There is a seed pod next to that.

Tuber Maw

Map location of a seed pod near a Gorocco in Jedi Survivor

From the last Seed Pod location, head further down the path. You'll eventually see a Gorrocco sitting on a rock formation. To the left of the rock formation is a bush with a seed pod.

Tuber Maw: Felucian Yellow

Map location of eight seed pods in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

Head to the big silo in the middle of the region. Wall jump up the side of it to reach the top. Then jump on the rocky ridge behind it. Jump up to the next ridge and keep following the path until you reach a hole where you can see the bars below that you could swing on. Do not jump down. There are several Seed Pods here to collect - 8 to be exact. Search all around the opening in the ground to find all 8.

Tuber Maw

Map location of a seed pod near two BX droids in Jedi Survivor

From the silo, if you're facing toward Rambler's Reach, head to the right side. Follow a path that will have you combating some droids. On the path furthest to the right before a big drop-off, there will be two BX droids and a seed pod on this plateau.

Tuber Maw

Map location of a seed pod near an orange gate in the Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation point facing the town, head right until you see an orange wall with a creek/river passing through it. On the other side of the water in front of this wall is a seed pod.

Spine Fluff: Alderaanian Blue

Map location of a seed pod near a creek in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

If you're facing the orange wall when collecting the prior seed pod, turn completely around and head straight back. On the other side of the creek is another bush to be harvested.

Spine Fluff

Map location of a seed pod on a slanted rock formation in Jedi Survivor

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation Point, head right around the Grotto entrance into Hunter's Quarry. Take a left up the path only so you can jump up to the ridge on your left when the ground is elevated enough. On this ridge, you'll face a Gorrocco. Then use the Relter to fly to the lowest point on the long, slanted rock formation across the way into the Southern Reach. Near the top is a seed pod.

Spine Fluff

Map location of a seed pod near a building in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From the Rambler's Reach Meditation Point, head down the path opposite the one leading to the outpost. Curve left with the path toward a building that's on a ridge below the silo. On the right side of the dirt path in front of the building is this Seed Pod.

Bluebell Squish

Map location of a seed pod on a path near a building in Southern Reach in Jedi Survivor

From this point, head down a path to the right of the building. As you run uphill, you'll see another Seed Pod on the right side of the path.

Cactus Ball: Alderaanian Blue

NEXT: Star Wars Jedi: Survivor - Where To Find Every Basalt Rift Collectible