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Every so often, Wizards of the Coast releases sets of cards for Magic: The Gathering that can't be legally played in most formats from the get-go but add a lot of fun in their own special bubble. Some examples of these sets are Unglued and MTG Warhammer 40k, which was part of the MTG Universes Beyond crossover project.

Related: Everything We Learned At MTG's Lord Of The Rings: Tales Of Middle-earth Sneak Preview

The second big set to be released for MTG Universes Beyond this year will be a Doctor Who crossover. Not much is currently known about the upcoming Commander set, but it is sure to bring plenty of interesting cards utilizing the series' long list of monsters and the different Doctors, along with companions and locations.

What We Know About The Doctor Who Commander DecksDoctor Who Magic The Gathering The Pandorica Opens Doctor giving speech to Roman soldiers

For those that don't know, Doctor Who is a British Sci-fi series starting all the way back in 1963. We follow the Doctor and their companions as they travel in the Tardis through time and space on adventures, usually taking down an evil villain/monster or saving the day.

With this crossover, we are getting four Commander decks and Secret Lairs. Each Commander deck will be filled with cards from the TV series, from locations (presumably including different planets) to monsters (most likely including the likes of Daleks and The Master).

Doctor Who Magic The Gathering Fugitive of the Judoon

The cards themselves will be a mix of cards already printed with a Doctor Who theme added and entirely new cards.

The crossover will be including both the classic series and the rebooted series.

Doctor Who MTG CardsDoctor Who Magic The Gathering Fourth Doctor offering a Jelly baby

So far, we only have the artwork for five cards in total.

We have a Plains card which has some beautiful artwork of the Tardis in a desert area. There is also a reprint of the White-Blue card Fractured Identity with the new artwork being of the Fourth Doctor handing out some jellybeans.

The other three pieces of artwork are all for new cards. They are named; The Eleventh Doctor, Gallifrey Stands, and The Fugitive Doctor.

You can see all of the new card art throughout this article.

When Will The Crossover Be Released?

Doctor Who Magic The Gathering All 12 doctors looking out at Gallifrey

Currently, there is no exact date known for when the new cards will be released, but it is confirmed that they will be released in Q4 of 2023.

This means that we will be able to get a hand on these cards somewhere in the last three months of the year. A lot of people are speculating it will be in November as that is when the Christmas special episodes of the TV show will be released.

It is also scheduled to be released before The Lost Caverns Of Ixalan set, which will also be released towards the end of the year.

Next: Magic: The Gathering - The Best Universes Beyond Commanders