There are certain themes that you find in most Disney movies. There is typically romance, family tragedy, and friendship. That last point is very common, as you'd struggle to find any film under the Disney banner that doesn't include close friendships.

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As such, these movies are jam-packed with great sets of friends. There is a lot of variety to them, too, as Disney isn't afraid of differences in age, gender, or even species. They pair all sorts of different personalities together to make some great duos. The following are the most iconic and entertaining ones Disney has ever come up with.

8 Ralph And Vanellope - Wreck-It Ralph And Ralph Breaks The Internet

Wreck-It Ralph Shot Of Ralph hugging Vanellope

Visibly, Ralph and Vanellope from Wreck-It Ralph and Ralph Breaks The Internet couldn't be more different. Ralph is a huge man with giant hands and feet, while Vanellope is a small young girl.

Yet, the two arcade game characters are in similar situations when they meet because they're both outsiders in their respective game worlds. As such, they both strive to belong. Together, they go on an adventure to gain acceptance. Along the way, they create a strong bond that gets tested in the second movie but never fully breaks.

7 Robin Hood And Little John - Robin Hood Series

Disney Robin Hood And Little John Walking Together In Forest

There have been many different versions of Robin Hood throughout media. Disney's version stands out because all the characters are anthropomorphic, meaning they're animals that act like humans. The titular protagonist is a wily fox, while his good friend Little John is a bear. The two are partners in crime who steal from the rich and give to the poor.

Robin Hood is generally the brains of the operation, as he tends to come up with the plans and leads Little John. But the bear is vital to their work, too, as he's the more cautious and physically capable one. So, they make a good team, and they're completely loyal to one another.

6 Pintel And Ragetti - Pirates Of The Caribbean Series

Pirates Of The Caribbean Shot Of Pintel And Ragetti Staring Past The Camera

When people think of Disney movies, they generally think of animated flicks. However, the company has produced plenty of live-action titles, too, including the Pirates Of The Caribbean movies. The best friendship in those films is the one between Pintel and Ragetti.

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These pirates don't have large roles in the narratives of the movies, but they're effective comic relief as the two goofs get into all sorts of misadventures. Throughout them, they don't prove to be the smartest duo the world has ever seen. Yet, they're survivors who manage to live through the most dangerous situations. And they do it as a team, as they're seemingly inseparable even though they bicker quite a bit.

5 Judy And Nick - Zootopia

Zootopia Shot Of Nick In Judy's Face

Judy and Nick from Zootopia don't hit it off straight away. This is because of their differing personalities. Judy is a positive by-the-book bunny cop that always attempts to follow the rules. Nick, on the other hand, is a laid-back con artist fox that isn't a big fan of rules.

So, the two start as enemies, but they begin to work together on a missing persons case anyway. While working as a team, they squabble a lot. But they also begin to grow fond of one another, and an entertaining friendship forms between the two.

4 Lilo And Stitch - Lilo And Stitch Series

Lilo & Stitch 2 - Lilo And Stitch Hugging

The friendship between Lilo and Stitch has a unique start. Lilo adopts the genetically-engineered alien, thinking he's an odd-looking puppy. The two then have some difficulties, as Stitch continually causes chaos.

However, Lilo never gives up on him. Under her tutelage, the alien becomes a fairly well-behaved pet and allows Stitch to have a place he can call home. Plus, the outcast Lilo finally gets a loyal friend. Therefore, the friendship is great for both of them, like any good friendship should be.

3 Mulan And Mushu - Mulan Series

Mulan Shot Of Tapping Mushu's Head

Mulan is one of the most original and best Disney Princess movies. The friendship between Mulan and Mushu is part of the reason the film is so enjoyable to watch. The little dragon is supposed to serve as Mulan's guardian despite his tiny stature and un-threatening demeanor. He does, though, give her someone to talk freely to, as he is one of the only characters to initially know that Mulan is only pretending to be a man.

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During their time together, the two become great friends. And Mushu's outgoing and loud personality complements Mulan's more reserved ways. It makes for an entertaining combination.

2 Tod And Copper - The Fox And The Hound Series

The Fox And The Hound Shot Of Todd and Copper looking at each other

The friendship between Tod and Copper from The Fox And The Hound movies has a lot of obstacles. The main one is that Copper is raised as a hunting dog, so foxes like Tod should be his prey.

Yet, he meets Tod long before he becomes a hunter. The two of them create a strong bond with each other when they're young. And regardless of how he's raised or what his owner thinks, Copper isn't capable of seeing Tod as an enemy or prey. Likewise, the fox doesn't see Copper as a threat. The two simply consider each other friends. This is what makes their bond so special.

1 Timon And Pumbaa - The Lion King Series

Lion King Screenshot Of Timon And Pumbaa

You know a friendship is iconic when nobody sees either of them as individuals. For example, it's impossible to mention Timon or Pumbaa without mentioning the other. This meerkat and warthog make up one of the greatest duos ever.

Timon is the self-professed brains of the team and certainly the more talkative one. Pumbaa brings strength and bravery to the table. So, they combine with each other well. More importantly, they're extremely loyal to one another and bring plenty of humor to the Lion King movies.

NEXT: Best Animated Disney Characters